They’re Selling a "Dream" — We’re Exposing the Reality.

The Fairgrounds Leominster is NOT what they claim!

Politicians and developers are selling this as an economic and agricultural benefit to the community. The truth? It’s a high-stakes casino-driven horse racing venture on top of a closed toxic landfill — a project that has been rejected in multiple towns before landing here. If you’re just learning about this, you deserve to know the facts. Read on. Get informed. Take action.

Sign the Petition

Essential Facts Every Residents Should Know:

Fact #01

It’s NOT about Agriculture or the Local Economy

Developers claim this will boost local businesses and preserve horse racing. But their real play is securing sports betting and simulcasting licenses, NOT protecting horses or farms. Similar projects in Hardwick and Sturbridge were denied because residents saw through this false promise.

Fact #02

The Land is a Former Toxic Dump

The project would sit on a closed hazardous landfill with a long-documented history of environmental concerns — from methane emissions to groundwater contamination. Even state agencies have flagged issues with the landfill over the years. Why is this suddenly safe for our community now? Hint: It's NOT!

Fact #03

Leominster Residents Have the Power to Stop This

The Mayor is trying to rush this deal through (why?), but local voters have leverage. A simple city council vote could kill this deal outright. If it goes to a public referendum, every vote will matter. The worst thing residents can do is assume they are “powerless.” THEY ARE NOT!

Sign the Petition

Think this doesn't effect you? Think again!

Who REALLY pays for the Fairgrounds project? You do. The developers and their investors are here for one reason: profit. They’ll cash in and leave—but guess who will be left dealing with the mess?

If the project fails or needs more funding, where does the money come from? The city.

Road expansions, traffic control, and emergency services? The city.

If environmental risks create problems down the line? The city.

Your Tax Dollars, Their Profits

The developers will make their money and leave, but if the project needs more funding down the line, where does the money come from? Road expansions, increased emergency services, environmental cleanup — who pays for that? You, the taxpayer.

Citywide Traffic Disasters

Developers admit traffic congestion will increase — Mechanic St., Leominster Connector/Nashua Street will be gridlocked. Where’s the city’s traffic plan? Where’s the infrastructure upgrade plan? The city has ignored traffic issues for years. Now they want to increase congestion with no solutions.

A Dangerous Precedent for Leominster

If the Mayor and City Council ignore these residents now, why wouldn’t they do the same in other parts of the city? If they can push this through without real scrutiny, they’ll do it again.

Environmental Risks Affect Everyone

If this landfill causes a contamination issue, it won’t just impact one neighborhood — it could affect water sources and natural areas citywide and communities downstream. Why aren’t they addressing this risk?

Get Involved

Ready to REALLY IMPACT this outcome?

Sign the petition but also send one simple email to all below, stating who you are and that you are opposed.;;;;;;;;;;;

Ask officials to take a firm stance NOW, before this advances further.
📢 Demand independent investigations into all claims made by developers.
📢 Push for a public referendum if they stonewall or deflect.

Want to demand transparency and action? Ask your City Councilors some of these VERY BASIC questions:

  1. Will you publicly call for an independent third-party environmental assessment BEFORE any further discussion?
  2. Who assumes liability if an environmental disaster occurs? The city or the developers?
  3. If cleanup costs increase, will taxpayers be on the hook?
  4. Where is the full traffic study? Will you demand public release of it?
  5. What infrastructure upgrades will be needed, and who pays for them?
  6. How will emergency response times be impacted?
  7. Will you demand a FULL financial impact report, independently audited?
  8. What specific city services will this money go toward?
  9. What guarantees do residents have that revenue will be reinvested locally?
  10. Are you willing to oppose ANY project that includes simulcasting?
  11. Will you demand transparency on the developers’ gambling business ties?
  12. Once a license is granted, how can the city prevent gambling expansion?
  13. Will you demand a public disclosure of all investors and lobbyists tied to this deal?
  14. Why hasn’t the city done a public impact study before engaging with the developers?
  15. Will you push for a binding referendum so ALL residents—not just city officials—decide?